We would like to thank everyone who continues to support us in our bakes every month and also a warm welcome to new bakers who have joined us this month! We hope you will all continue to support us in our monthly bakes in making Sweet & Simple Bakes the success it is becoming.
Our brand New Format for Submitting Entries for the Monthly Round-up has been a great success. Our thanks to all our ‘dear’ S&SB Bakers once again for making this transition work with ease!
Just look at all those gorgeous cupcakes below with beautiful shades of buttercream and awesome sprinkles!! Doesn't this make you want to run into your kitchen and start baking?- I know it does me!
Edit 15th May 09. We have a late entry into our Vanilla Cupcake Round-up - please visit and show your support at It all started with his birthday

A huge round of applause for all our Sweet and Simple Bake bakers this month – well done everyone!!
*Could we please ask that we all take time to visit each other's blogs and leave feedback*.
Rosie & Maria xx