ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: Chocolate Bread Pudding

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chocolate Bread Pudding

From the first time I saw this post - Chocolate Bread at DavidLebovitz.com - I promised myself that my life would not be complete without trying to make this bread. Although I kept telling myself time and time again (unsuccessfully) that chocolate isn't my favorite sweet. Maybe it's that irresistibly deep brown color. Or maybe it's the aroma of baked yeast and chocolate I conjured up in my head.

The post gave very detailed account of how the author came up with the recipe and how the recipe goes. But my bread still didn't come out looking as delicious as the pictures. My bread took more than 2 hours to rise - perhaps because I didn't substitute enough instant yeast.

The bread was soft and delicious when warm and fresh. But after a couple of days it became dry and crumbly. Even my chocolate lover friend refused to eat it.

So I did what the recipe author suggested - chocolate bread pudding. How awesome would it be? Chocolate bread with chocolate chips plus even more chocolate chips baked with eggs and milk. Perfect breakfast!

So I crumbled up about half the loaf of bread (about 2 cups). Beat 2 eggs and about 3/4 cup of soy milk and about 2 tablespoons of sugar with a glug of vanilla extract. Added half a cup of more chocolate chip. Mixed everything together. Divided into 2 remekins and 4 silicon muffin cups and baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Baking bread pudding in silicon muffin cups was a stroke of genius. It made difficult-to-transport baked goods transportable. I shall name them cupbreadpudding.