Here lie the remains of my breakfast. The picture barely does it justice - the milk is a beautiful lavender color and bits of berry and grain cling to the bowl. This is what is left after a delicious serving of Dorset Muesli.
I have a really hard time getting excited about cold cereal. Well, strike that. I have no trouble getting excited about it, it's just that it's always a let down. I will either end up with some sugary crunchy combination that scrapes off the roof of my mouth and/or deafens me, or something so bland it feels like I am eating horse feed. Then it's back to toast and yogurt (Brown Cow 0% Fat Greek Yogurt is my current fave, but more on that in another post).
I bought the Berries & Cherries Muesli on a whim yesterday at Whole Foods. I admit I was first attracted to the packaging, then to the description. There was a plethora of ingredients listed, but all were natural foods, not additives. Plus it was from England. I don't know why, but England seems to have it down as far as cereals, something we don't seem to be able to achieve here in the US.
What a delight. My mouth actually woke up from all of the delicious tastes. I put some in a small bowl so I could taste each element individually, and I loved all of the tart, sweet, nutty flavors. And that purple milk at the end - magical!