Bread. Pasta. Cake. Cookies. Potatoes. Rice. Ice Cream.
And I am not eating them right now.
Cutting back on complex carbs is really tough, especially for someone like me, who really really loves them. But what I don't love is that zombie feeling that they give me, the addict-like trance they put me in, like when I am eating toast for breakfast and thinking about what cookies I am going to bake later that same day.
So what have I been eating? A lot of protein and vegetables. Oh, but don't think I am suffering. "Dieting" is not really in my vocabulary. Here are a few examples of how I am eating well, but staying within my guidelines:
This is Oven "Fried" Chicken. Chicken legs dredged in beaten egg, then coated in a mixture of Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder (I shake up the egg coated legs with the dry ingredients in a Ziploc, like Shake n Bake). Baked in the oven at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes. The result is a juicy leg with a crispy crust, and none of the carbs. Very tasty, easy, and economical, too.

This is an afternoon snack. When I am craving a between meals bite, I need some crunch. Sometimes I have celery sticks with sunflower nut butter, but my favorite is celery sticks with cream cheese and cured meats.

Lunch is salad, salad and more salad. I usually make them myself, but this is from a deli. It's a simple mix of lettuce, grilled chicken, pears, and blue cheese, with a light vinaigrette.

I get really sick of meat really quickly, so last night I made a delicious salmon steak with baby broccoli. The salmon roasts at 500 degrees for about 10-15 minutes, and is then finished with a Meyer Lemon vinaigrette and some spring onions. Delicious - and the 2nd piece that I didn't eat became a delicious cold salmon salad the next day.
Uncured beef bacon. I love bacon, but sometimes with pig bacon, all that fat makes my insides feel like they are coated with glue. I recently discovered beef bacon, which has a taste similar to brisket or pastrami, and not nearly as much fat. In fact, you have to use a little bit of oil in the pan to cook it. I usually have it with eggs. I am eating a lot of eggs right now.

Cottage cheese and fruit. This is essential in keeping me on track. I sometimes eat it in the morning instead of sugar-laden yogurt and cereal (ah Dorset, *sniff*) or as a dessert instead of ice cream.
I'm not being rigid by any means. But I am trying to make smarter choices, like having a whole wheat tortilla instead of bread. And maybe once a week, I'll go out and have whatever I want. I have to keep it interesting or inviting, otherwise I start daydreaming about salted caramels. So expect a few more ideas and recipes along this vein in the next several months.
And don't worry, there will always be cupcakes. I'm not insane.