And, we're off! I can hardly believe it - third trip to Europe in 5 months?!! How spoiled am I? We are almost (read: barely) packed and getting on a plane in a few short hours. London weather promises to be chilly, damp and dark. The beer promises to be cold, thick, and plentiful. In fact, Mike & James are already there and face-deep in a pint as we speak!
And lest you feel the tiniest bit sorry for me (right), we will not be missing out on Thanksgiving. One of the American girls that Charles & co. met at Burning Man will be hosting a full-on turkey dinner at her flat on Friday night.
Oh, and did I mention that my cousin Viv is taking Olga and me to see Amy Winehouse (that is, if she can stay out of trouble long enough)? Yes, yes, let the envy begin...
All right then, Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night!