Ugh. Nothing is worse than a Spring cold. The days outside are crisp and sunny, beckoning for you to come out and play, but I can barely drag myself from the bedroom to the living room. I have spent the day inside, with my hair pulled back and stains on my sweatshirt. I'm carrying around a box of kleenex like a purse. I imagine that I look as disgusting as I feel.
This day had not been without upsides, however.
1/ Having Nyquil-induced dreams
2/ Coming to the realization that reality shows are popular not because we love to watch people win, but because we love to watch them get humiliated
3/ Reading in bed without guilt
4/ Taking long, hot showers without guilt (I may have wasted water, but think of all of the gas that I saved!)
5/ Letting the man of the house order dinner without guilt
6/ Vicks Vapo-Rub. I love it today as much as I did when I was a kid. And it works.
7/ Taking naps with my cats and dog in bed with me
8/ Finding a forgotten bag of chocolate-covered almonds and eating them in bed (shhh, don't tell!)
9/ Giving myself a facial mask and falling asleep with it on - my pores are extra tight!