Don't accuse me of personifying my new kitchen tool all on my own. Kuhn Rikon, the company that makes the "Corn Zipper", actually thought to put a face on it! You are probably thinking, no, it's just the way it's made that makes it look like a face.
I give you instruction #1, straight from the package:
- "Hold with the smile facing toward you"
Those wacky Swiss!
So, not to be one to buck the system, I gave him a name "Colonel Zippy" (get it?)
You would be wise not to be fooled by the Colonel's passive smile and innocent eyes. He has razor-sharp teeth behind his head that rip through corn cobs like butter. Strip, strip, strip goes Zippy on the cob, and rows of perfect kernels fall into the bowl. Sooooo much easier, and safer, than using a knife.
I cooked 4 ears of the summer's first white corn last night, let it cool, then with the help of my new friend, zipped it into the bowl for a quick corn & tomato salad. I was actually kind of sad that I didn't have more corn to strip - it was so much fun! I felt like Sweeny Todd, when he gets reunited with his shaving tools after years of exile:
These are my friends,
See how they glisten.
See this one shine,
How he smiles in the light,
My friends,
My faithful friends...
Speak to me, friend.
Whisper, I'll listen.
I know, I know
You've been locked out of sight
All these years!
Like me, my friend!
Well, I've come home
To find you waiting!
And we're together...
And we'll do wonders...
Won't we...?
I also bought a mandoline from the same company. Looking forward to testing it out on some shaved asparagus salad or fennel. I know I am in trouble because the products are available at my grocery store, Mollie Stone's - any wonder that I can't get out of there for less than $100?
Welcome home, my friend. We'll do wonders, indeed!