Today we are celebrating our 15-year wedding anniversary, and in keeping with tradition, I did receive flowers and chocolates. The interesting part is - they were from our parents! My Mom sent this adorable arrangement today, and my mother-in-law sent a box of delicious brownies that we gobbled up well before the actual day. So thoughtful!
And in keeping with the tradition of slightly tweaking traditions, we are going to celebrate the occasion with a weekend away...with 40 of our closest friends! I am really looking forward to it - the weather forecast looks great, and everyone seems very excited.
This is one of the cards that I gave Charles this morning which made him chuckle. I have to say, being married to someone for 15 years is many things (mostly good!), but one of them that can't be denied is that it is very, very real. And the one thing that will get you though a plethora of challenges and situations is a good sense of humor.