East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet...or so I thought. When it comes to popcorn and candy at the movies, I thought it was like keeping a Kosher kitchen - the sweets bag shalt never mix with the savory bag.
Then Jude taught me that it's fun to put the candy in the popcorn, so that every now and then you get a little sweet bite among the salty bites, and it also slightly melts the chocolate, which makes it gooey-liscious. It works great with my favorite concession candy, Raisinettes.
It's kind of surprising that I like this combination, as I was the kid who couldn't stand to have her food touch on her plate - I would methodically eat around the gravy-soaked portion of the peas, leave bits of meat glued to mashed potatoes, etc. But for some reason, this works for me.
I looked around online and found nothing that spoke to the origins of this practice. I thought that it might be regional, like putting peanuts in Coke, or salting your beer. Nope, no evidence that anyone does this at all.
So, tell me, does anyone do this? Or are we the only ones with chocolate and salt covered fingers in the dark of the cinema?