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Monday, April 26, 2010

More Fun with Fondant

Yesterday we attended the relaunch of a live radio broadcast of our Burning Man Camp, Camp Want It! It will be a weekly event on Sunday afternoons, and then the set will be played on a continuous loop throughout the week. You can check it out here.

I wanted to make some commemorative cupcakes for the day, so I got out my gum paste and metal cookie cutters and had so much fun cutting out the letters and sticking them on the cupcakes. I made chocolate cupcakes with a simple buttercream frosting that I colored red with gel food coloring. This time, instead of piping the frosting, I just spread it on, which created a nice, flat surface and great background for the letters. I also liked the way the letters looked on a full sized cupcake rather than a mini.

This opens up so many decorating possibilities, especially if I figure out how to color the gum paste - all sorts of cute cut-outs could be placed on colored backgrounds. Let the fun begin!