Being sick sucks. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it sucks balls. I have been stuck at home with strep throat for the past few days and I feel like I am in pergatory.
I used to get strep all of the time as a kid, so I know exactly what it feels like, and I knew I had it. Every time you swallow, it is like tiny knives are being unleashed inside your throat in a wild frenzy. It's awful. And nothing helps except getting started on antibiotics immediately. I called my doctor at 8:30 on Saturday morning, and he was kind enough to call in my prescription. That day, all I could eat was a bowl of soup, and it took me about 2 hours to get it down. Nothing feels good, not water, not tea, not honey - and sleep is difficult because the pain is always there. Did I mention that it sucks balls?
I talked to my friend Megan, and she says that she gets it all of the time now. That is so weird - is strep running rampant, after having been dormant during our high school and college years? It sounds like such an antiquated affliction, like scarlet fever and mumps, I would have thought we would have gotten rid of it by now. It's such a nasty little infection, so angry and hurtful.
I finally started getting some relief today. I have been using Vicks 44 Sore Throat Spray every few hours, as well as gargling with warm salt water, which helped a little. I usually try to avoid antibiotics, but I have to say they work like magic against strep. Today I had a smoothie, some risotto, and a few pieces of cheese on crackers. It's like being a child again, and learning how to eat solid foods.
I've gotten a lot of reading & laundry done, and watched a few movies that I had been meaning to see ("The Pursuit of Happyness" and "Junebug"), so it wasn't a total waste of time. However, after having to cancel all of my weekend plans, I am ready to be better and participate in life again. I am definitely not hard-wired to be a spectator.