This is a very good but very heavy book written by a woman who was sent to Auchwitz and escaped. It details her experinece there, and about what happened after the war when communism became rampant in Prague. This is the British version that a I found at a used bookstore - I believe there is an American version that was published under a different name.
It's one of those books that is a reminder that the people who went through the war were just people - they did their best, there were no miracles, and sometimes they made mistakes. Some lucky ones survived and some did not, and there was no rhyme or reason to any of it. Survival means different things to different people, and you cannot predict how you will handle a situation until you are in it, lofty though your beliefs may be. And when your humanity has been stripped, how you view the world and the people in it is forever changed - but what does not change is our basic needs in life - to have food, shelter, a mate, children, and good things for our families.