ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: Don't Look a Gift Dog(ue) in the Mouth

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Don't Look a Gift Dog(ue) in the Mouth

My Mom is in town, and she is always very generous in bringing and sending gifts. I would say I like her gifts about 50% of the time (this percentage has improved over the years), but when it comes to art...well, I just think that art is a very difficult thing to give someone. What do you do, take down something else and put it up only when they come over? Art is just very personal, and therefore hard to predict what someone else will want to showcase in their home.

However, on occasion she will succeed. Yesterday she gave me a print called Le Bouledogue by an Illinois artist called Keith Grace. I really love it, and he has captured the dog's expression perfectly. The map of France used in the fur adds dimension and a really unique touch (if you click on it, you can even see it in the shadow). I already have a primo wall spot picked out for it!

Thanks, Mom!