This weekend marked the opening of the first San Francisco Renegade Craft Fair, a cloth, yarn, paper and jewelry DIY event. It was started in Wicker Park in Chicago (city of big shoulders, represent!) and although we boast our own share of creative outposts (Capsule, Appel and Frank), this felt new and more focused on true crafts rather than just fashion trends. With it being inside, at the Fort Mason Pavilion, with free admission and almost-free parking, clean bathrooms, and plenty of room to shop, it was definitely my favorite of these types of events.
There were some very cool graphic tees, a booth featuring stuffed organs (uterus, anyone?), and lots and lots of letterpress cards, my personal kryptonite. I bought a box of cards from awesome letterpress company hello!Lucky, and this little crocheted baby owl from a Chicago vendor called Tart Heart. It is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen. If you don't agree, you have a black and inhuman soul! Just look at his feet!!
I think that the coolest thing about going to an event like this is not the amount that you purchase (although you should purchase something in the name of keeping local crafting alive & well), but getting to meet the artists, looking at great ideas, and sparking your own creative juices. And let's face it, everyone could use a healthy dose of cuteness in their day.