A great way to use leftovers, this is a super speedy summer one-pot to fix fried rice.
Preparation time 5 mins
Cook time 7 mins
Ready in 12 minutes
Ingredients - Serves 2
2 tsp oil
1 egg , beaten
2 rashers bacon , chopped
175g mushrooms , sliced
200g frozen peas
1 garlic clove , crushed
small knob of fresh root ginger , grated
2 tsp dark soy sauce , plus extra to serve
1 tsp sugar
250g cooked basmati rice
1. Heat the oil in a frying pan, then tip in the egg. Leave to set for 30 secs-1 min, swirling every now and again, then tip it out and finely slice. Add bacon and mushrooms to pan, then fry until golden, about 3 mins. Add peas, garlic and ginger, then cook for 1 min.
2. Mix the soy sauce and sugar together. Turn up the heat, add the cooked rice to the pan, heat through, then splash in the sweet soy sauce. Stir through the egg and serve straight away, with more soy sauce if you like.
Nutrition Per serving
355 kcalories, protein 18g, carbohydrate 48g, fat 11 g, saturated fat 3g, fibre 6g, salt 1.81 g
Recipe from Good Food magazine, June 2008.
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