Part of living in a place with a large Chinese community is that you often get to see produce that may be unfamiliar to you. We noticed jujubes, or red Chinese dates, at the Stonestown Farmers Market last week and didn't buy them - this time, my curiosity got the best of me and I bought a bag.
I got them home and had no idea what to do with them. There were no recipes online for fresh jujubes, only ones using dried ones. Finally I found an article that told me how to eat them - like an apple, skin and all.
They are about the size of a kumquat, and have a beautiful green/brown skin. The taste is similar to an apple, but not quite as sweet and more dry.
What a cool, portable little snack! And so pretty to display, too. I'll no longer attribute this name just to stick-to-your-teeth gummy candies - I will instead think of this lovely and rare fruit that I was so fortunate to come upon.