ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: Red Wine Strawberry Sorbet

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Red Wine Strawberry Sorbet

It was supposed to be red wine raspberry sorbet but my raspberries went moldy in the refrigerator before I got a chance to make the sorbet. Strawberries would do. This recipe is genius. Look at it: a bottle of wine, some sugar and lots of fruit. Perfect summer treat.

I didn't strain the pulp because I was lazy and I did not care for the smooth consistency. My sorbet came out tasting like soft frozen sangria. Maybe because I didn't boil the wine long enough - which isn't a bad thing. I think I got drunk from eating half a cup of it. It's quite embarrassing, actually.

The best part of this batch of sorbet is that I froze some in ice cream pop molds. Things always taste better on a stick, I don't know why.