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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For

Hello, my name is Neil, and I am a Seduction Addict.

So, last night my friend Mike was telling me about this book he is reading, called "the Game". Mike is happily married to a beautiful, smart woman and has never had a past problem enticing the fairer sex. But sometimes, the fumblings of his single friends baffle him, and he started reading the new book by Neil Strauss, a reporter for Rolling Stone, who was given the assignment to study with the pick-up artist Mystery and discover the secrets to successful seduction.

Apparently, there are very specific steps you must take, and in a well-plotted-out progression. All of these steps are designed to make a woman feel a certain way about you, something about how you need to have a higher perceived value than her so she aspires to attain you. If you appear to be on a level playing field with her, she will lose interest and go after someone else. And, timing is everything, down to moving in 3 seconds after making eye contact. This playbook approach probably appeals to guys because of sports - an organized strategy for winning with a roadmap and pep-talk from a coach. FMAC = Find, Meet, Attract, Close - now get out there and kill 'em, boys!

What happened to Neil is that he went from a AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) to a very skilled PUA (Pick-up Artist), and......didn't find happiness. Big surprise. What he found instead is that he was no longer able to stop himself from seducing women, and that none of this conquesting gave him what he needed to sustain a relationship.

In my experience, women are looking for confident men, who are good listeners. They want to be respected, but also made to feel beautiful and special. They want a man, and not a little boy. As a woman, I would be amused by a poor geek posing as a Casanova, but not interested. Women are smarter than that, and the ones who aren't...well, you can have them. And just as women are criticized for overlooking the bespeckled balding bean-counter guys, these guys should open their horizons to include the shy, awkward beauties who don't need a Game to be persuaded to open their hearts.