There are so many good reasons for going to the Farmer's Market. There's the freshness of the produce, supporting local farms, getting out on a nice day...but the best thing about the Alemany Farmer's Market is the All Star Tamale stand. They have the best tamales in town - in fact, before I tried these tamales, I didn't even like tamales. Now it is fair to say that I am addicted to them.
So, I like to head there first with my empty basket, before buying a single thing. You can get 1 tamale for $2.50, 2 for $4.75. Today I had the Chicken with Green sauce, and the Sweet Corn.
Most days in the summer, it's cold and/or overcast, so the steam from the tamale rises up to greet you when you open it up, promising warm, soft polenta, chunks of meat, and the tang of the green and red sauces. You have to sit at a table with other people, or on a curb, but it's totally worth it.
After my tummy is happy and full, I am much better prepared to shop the market. I am more patient, don't overbuy (out of hunger rather than need), and I can walk past the kettlecorn stand without being tempted to buy a huge bag and scarf it down.
It's a great ritual on a Saturday morning.