It's a foggy Sunday morning here in San Francisco. It feels like the world is covered in a misty blanket, and you can't see beyond the outskirts of any one neighborhood, giving a cozy, isolated feel. It's as if you are on a Scottish coastal island with nothing around you but the sea.
I decided to make blueberry scones for breakfast. On a shopping trip to Cal-Mart (best grocery store, ever!) yesterday, Michael and I picked up mixes from Sticky Fingers Bakery, and the Wild Blueberry sounded perfect. I love having high-quality mixes in my cupboard, and this one promised great scones with the only added ingredient being water. It's so nice to be able to whip up something semi-homemade when you have overnight guests or just have the urge to bake, without taking an extra trip to the market.
They turned out well, and the house is filled with their fragrance. Add a fire, a hot cup of tea, some scrambled eggs, a warm blanket and the Sunday New York Times, and you have a little slice of heaven.