I took an online quiz today to determine the best place for me to live, based on lifestyle and preferences. Here are the results, in order:
1. Portland, OR
2. Boston, MA
3. Providence, RI
4. New Haven, CT
5. Seattle, WA
6. San Diego, CA
7. Orange County, CA
8. Oakland, CA
9. Long Island, NY
10. Honolulu, HI
11. Hartford, CT
12. New York City, NY
13. Long Beach, CA
14. Los Angeles, CA
15. St. Louis, MO
16. Little Rock, AR
17. Cincinnati, OH
18. Washington, DC
19. San Jose, CA
20. San Francisco, CA
21. Chicago, IL
22. Manhattan, NY
23. Baltimore, MD
24. Las Vegas, NV
A few things to note:
- Little Rock??????
- New York City is listed twice, both as NYC (11) and Manhattan (21)
- My hometown city (Chicago), my college city (Cincinnati), my post-college city (NYC) and my current residence (SF) are all on the list.
- Prior to this quiz, when asked where I would live if I didn't live in SF, my answer was always Portland. It is ranked at #1, whereas my current city of residence is rated at #20.