Meet my new bag. It's the size of a purse, with all of the functionality & endurance of a messenger bag. I think that the model name is "Classic Messenger Bag", size X-Small. Made with limited-edition fabric, so it is one of a kind! (or maybe one of a one-of-very-few-of a kind). I LOVE IT!!!
This is actually a late Christmas present, the best kind - the kind that comes 3 months later, when you are dying for something new. The truth is, it was given to me on a slip of paper, something to the effect of "this paper entitles you to receive...", so not a physical present, more like the promise of a present. So I kinda forgot about it.
My purse was driving me crazy - these days, I have to have an over-the-shoulder style (hands-free, don't you know), and my beautiful black one from Amsterdam fit the style requirement, but didn't hold very much. i.e. I had to choose between bringing a/wallet or b/sunglasses. I don't think anyone should ever have to make that choice.
I was in Hayes Valley today, and went by the Timbuk2 store and found this precious little gem. I love it, have I mentioned that? I immediately took it home and got hyper-organized:
I firmly believe in the concept of bags-within-bags. No loose stuff. And I have enough cute mini multi-purpose bags to choke a horse*, so that part was easy). Done!
Now I have a bag that holds all of my stuff, will stay dry in the rain, has a spill-proof interior, fits over my shoulder, is cute & original, and was hand-made in my very own city of San Francisco! Next time you ask me to borrow a pen, just watch how fast I produce it from my bag. Just call me Quick-Draw!
Next step, finding a cool urban bike to go with my I can be a real faux-messenger. :)
* do not let this discourage you from buying me mini-bags and pouches as gifts. I adore them, and the key to good organization is variety.