I often feel like Goldilocks in the woods of San Francisco, searching and searching for that perfect restaurant experience. Some are very good, many are just ok, while few get it "just right". Well, I was lucky enough to visit two "just right" places this week. Last night we went to Spruce, which was the best fine-dining experience I have had in this city. It was elegant, definitely high-end, but with a wonderful relaxed attitude. The food was divine. Price-wise, it is definitely special-occasion only. But for a more everyday location with great food, my hat goes off to Bar Jules.
This new restaurant quietly took up residence in hipper-than-thou Hayes Valley, right next door to Suppenkuche and across the street from Modern Tea. There is no signage, so you could definitely miss it. The inside is rich with color and warmth, with the daily menu printed on the chalkboard. I sipped a gorgeous rosebud tea while I waited for my Ken to arrive. Our waitress was totally adorable, with a great smile, and I chatted with her a bit about the place. She had this way of saying "Do it!" as an affirmation, which was so cute. As in, "I left my phone in the car, can I leave my jacket at the table while I go get it?" "Do it!" (smile)
The menu changes daily, and the offerings are concise. Like many restaurants in town, they use local suppliers and seasonal ingredients, but they seem to do this better, not caring if there are any staples or old-standby's on the menu. It's about what is fresh, what feels right, and that's what you are going to get.
I had the roasted red pepper and burrata sandwich, which was simple and really delicious. The roasted red pepper was soft and fleshy, and the burrata (a very soft mozzarella cheese, with a consistency in between cheese and yogurt) was creamy and silky and oh-so-fresh. The bread was grilled with just the right amount of olive oil, adding crunch to the soft textures. With it was a side dish of potatoes and artichokes, which was very light and of-the-season. I savored every bite.
For dessert, I had the Fennel Seed panna cotta. Normally, I don't like my classic desserts trifled with (Lavender Creme Brulee - ick!), but this flavor combination worked very well. The fennel flavor was very subtle, and the panna cotta was creamy-delicious. Unfortunately, the photo makes it look like tree-brain pudding, but trust me, the taste was wonderful.
I'm kind of baffled by the range of reviews on Yelp for this restaurant. They are all over the board, so I had no idea what to expect. Actually, the reviews for Spruce left me feeling the same way. It's sad, because I love writing for Yelp, but I find it hard to trust a lot of the reviewers - either they don't like the same kind of places I do, or they use their reviews as a place to dump their emotions. Mostly, they just don't "get it". Sigh. Kids these days! Anyway, I will be writing reviews of both of these places, and if I succeed, people will have an accurate view into what they can expect and why they would want to spend their pennies there.
It may require a repeat visit to Bar Jules, just in case, for accuracy you know....