What is it with me and squirrels?
Yesterday I went to go see the Gilbert & George exhibit at the deYoung Museum, which was fabulous. Rainy skies had given way to patches of blue and clouds, so after leaving the museum, I decided to take a stroll through the Botanical Garden.
As I wound my way through the Australia section, I heard little rustlings and twitterings, and then these adorable squirrels appeared. After making sure that they weren't rabid (my method is to squint at them and say, "You're not rabid, are you?" followed by "Please don't bite me"), we engaged in a game of hide-and-seek. I can't believe how tame they were (rabid?) and how perfectly they posed for my pictures. If you click to enlarge the photos, I promise you will be overwhelmed with cuteness.
It was so cool - no matter where I went, my furry friends came out to play. At times, I felt like I had landed in a Beatrix Potter book.
You'll be glad to know, if you read my previous post about my crazy squirrel dream, that not one of them tried to steal my purse.