Usually after a couple of months, I return (a little sheepishly), and I say to myself, "Ahhhhh, I remember why I loved yoga so much. Why did I stay away?" Then begins the task of trying to get into yoga shape, at least enough so that I am not crippled with soreness after every class.
I am about mid-cycle at the moment. I have been going back for a week, and my body is starting to do what I want it to again. I am feeling the calming benefits and focus that comes from physical awareness. The next step, the one that I always strive for, is when it becomes a need in my life, rather than something I have to motivate myself to do.
My goal this year is to break this stop/start cycle. In order to do that, I have to:
1/ Commit to going to classes regularly
2/ Be open to new teachers and more challenging levels
3/ Not be so hard on myself if I miss a class - and make time to go to the next one
4/ Change my mind-set to look at my practice as a gift rather than a chore
These steps could be applied to anything, really. But starting with yoga feels like a good place to put this action plan to the test. I'm ready.