The secret to Sherry's brownies was that she would pour half of the batter into the pan, layer in a supersize Hershey's chocolate bar, and then add the rest of the batter. The result was the wonderful cakey-fudgy brownie with an extra shot of gooey chocolate in the middle. Hell, those brownies were good. Washed down with my grenadine-infused drink, I was in heaven. Damn! (That was also the year that the "Bad News Bears" came out and I was enamored by profanity - yes, it was a eye-opening year).
I found a recipe for a grown-up Chocolate Pudding Pie on the cover of Bon Appetit magazine (hailed as "Dessert of the Year"), and I made it for the first time for a dinner party in January, and then for Valentine's Day yesterday. It's a little bit labor-intensive, but totally worth it. Not since Sherry's brownies have I enjoyed a chocolate fix like this. It even has a secret melted chocolate layer between the crust and the filling. You can get the entire recipe here, and below is a step-by-step pictoral journey into this rich and creamy delight. Washed down with a glass of champagne, my 4th grade self emerges to say once again, "Damn!" (or, even better, my favorite: cocksuckermotherfuckertwoballsonofabitch).
Cheers, Sherry, wherever you are!
Bittersweet Chocolate Pudding Pie with Creme Fraiche Topping: