We were invited a fundraiser dinner in Rebouisse, one of the neighboring towns. Proceeds (15 Euros pp) went towards the local schools, so there were plenty of children in attendance. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet people and share stories, something you don't get to do when you are just touring around on your own. We arrived slightly late, but just in time to pay our fee and wolf down some salad.
These were our dinner companions, two incredibly charming Italian men who had lived in Rebouisse for many years and raised their families there - they were surrounded by multiple generations.
For the main course, they served paella, really well made and with a generous portion of seafood for everyone. I was amazed at the great quality of the food. You had to bring your own plate and cutlery, and then you just got in line and dinner was served!
Of course, no meal would be complete without champagne and cheese.
Happily enjoying my chocolate ice cream cone for dessert, I was struck by how magical it was to feel like a part of the region. The simple gesture of people coming together to benefit the local schools was a great testament to the sense of the community that is the glue that continues to support these small local villages.