Listen carefully, and you'll hear a low buzzing. What is that you wonder? Why that is the buzz of bees busily making honey for the 500 apiarists in San Francisco.
We are so lucky to have a brand new honey store in our midst. It's not often, outside of Europe, that you find specialty stores like this, especially not in this economy. But just last week, Her Majesty's Secret Beekeper opened up on 20th St., under the ownership of beekeeper and honey enthusiast Cameo Wood.
I checked it out last week, and before I knew it, I was embarking upon a honey tasting that opened my eyes to the range of flavors and quality of honeys.
What an amazing experience. I tasted honeys that were sweet and familiar, oily and smoky, floral, simple, complex. One was reminiscent of a fine Sauterne, made right in San Francisco in Glen Park. Though all of it, Cameo explained the origin, and different factors going into the production.
I wanted to buy so much, but settled on some Clover Honey Honeycomb from Moon Shine Trading Company, which is great quality and reasonably priced. I love it with greek yogurt, or with strong cheese, or simply on a spoon right out of the package.
Cameo told me that she is going to introduce a line of infused honeys, from lavender to truffle, which I can't wait to try. She also sells soaps and lotions, and her own handmade beeswax candles in the shape of dahlias, our city's flower.
I wish this little boutique all of the best, and know I will be back often to sample new varieties, replenish my supply, or say hello to Cameo. Places like this certainly make city life, and life in general, that much sweeter. Save the bees!