I'm always trying to think of new things to take to a BBQ, and with the summers being so cold and foggy here in San Francisco, a hot dish is not an unheard of thing in July. I cracked open my "Macaroni & Cheese" book by Marlena Spieler, and found this recipe for "Deliciously Trashy Mac & Cheese with and Extra Hit of Mustard and Pickled Jalepenos".

It was a solid recipe and looked perfect for the first hour after I made it. It was cheesy, creamy and spicy. I wrapped it up and took it to the BBQ, where I reheated it in the oven for maybe 20 minutes.
The taste was still good, but it got so dry! That was such a disappointment, considering how much cheese and milk I had mixed in. I wanted ooey gooey, but that is not what I ended up with. Probably, I should have assembled it there instead of at home - double cooking it did not do it any favors. A good effort, but I think I will go back to the drawing board with that one.