Oh lucky, lucky me! I got free tickets to a special advance screening of "Julie & Julia", the new film starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. It is based on the book "Julie & Julia" by Julie Powell (a good book), and also "My Life in France" by Julia Child (a great book).

I was so glad to see that an equal portion of the movie was devoted to Julia Child - she is, of course, talked about throughout Julie Powell's book, but the movie gave her a chance to really come to life. The contrast between the two time periods and places, 2002 in Queens and 1950's Paris, was very well done, both in set design and costume.

The food stylists for the movie deserve a great round of applause. All of the dishes looked either delightfully delicious, or delightfully disastrous, depending on the situation. It's over 12 hours after the movie ended, and I am still salivating over the Boeuf Bourgignon. Luckily for me, my ever-so-thoughtful friend Michael packed a picnic, and we had a nighttime tailgate party for two, right there in the cinema parking lot!
Of course, the biggest message of the movie is that it's never too late in life to get inspired. Julia Child did so when she was in her 40's, living in a foreign country, and Julie Powell followed suit when she had just turned 30, working in a lowly government job. Neither of these women had had remarkable lives up until they discovered a passion for food, cooking, and the desire to share their experiences with others. And most importantly, not to get discouraged by mistakes and setbacks...they are all a part of the experience, and make any victories that much sweeter. Bon appetit!