ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: 100% Wholewheat bread

Friday, January 9, 2009

100% Wholewheat bread

I love eating bread. I haven't started baking bread until recently. I was discouraged by the many steps of bread making. But this is kind of fun. It's a new realm of baking that I have to explore. Plus bread is the perfect low fat, low sugar, almost guilt-free baking.

My latest attempt: 100% wholewheat bread turned out great.

To (unsuccessfully) control my portion, I formed the dough into a long log before baking instead of baking it in a loaf pan. This way I got more but smaller slices. The bread was great toasted or untoasted with butter, jam, peanut butter, lemon curd, etc... You see how portion control didn't work?