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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Strawberry Jam Recipe - How to Make Strawberry Jam

The Hummus Recipes Kitchen (The home of Hummus Recipes & Delicious Middle Eastern Recipes) invites you to try our Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe. Enjoy the Middle Eastern Cuisine and learn how to make Strawberry Jam.


1 Kilo strawberry
5 Cups sugar
1 Tbs lemon juice


Clean strawberries and place in a bowl alternatively with sugar to have several layers (last layer should be sugar).

Cover with plastic cling and refrigerate for one day.

Place strawberries with its juices and the lemon juice in a heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and let cook for 5 minutes. Drain strawberries then reduce syrup for 30 minutes.

Add strawberries, bring to a boil for 10 minutes then remove from heat.

Let cool then pack and seal in sterile jars and refrigerate.

Strawberry jam doneness test:

Place 1 teaspoon of jam in cold plate in the refrigerator for few minutes, if jelled then it`s done. If not, continue cooking until completely done.

Chef Osama

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