ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: Best Cocoa Brownies

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Cocoa Brownies

I don't make very many brownies. But whenever I stop by a coffee shop, I always secretly feel a need to buy one. I never did - just because that's exactly the thing I can bake at home. I just don't.

Then came Valentines day when I had a strong urge to bake brownies. It was a miserable failure. Since then I had been dreaming of gooey-moist-deep-dark-chocolate brownies. And this was it. I went out of my way and bought the fancy Valrhona cocoa powder just for this occasion.

These brownies are almost like a giant square of chocolate truffle. They are so rich and creamy that I - who can eat a pie in one sitting - can only finish a small square at a time.

Here's the recipe: Best Cocoa Brownies (I reduced the sugar to 3/4 cup. The brownies were still plenty sweet for me.)