ta name="google-site-verification" content="LnUtT_d1nKFEi6qCVRa2VtURKXcUowdpcm2UMwFTZUk" /> hummus recipes: Older, yes; Wiser, perhaps

Monday, September 24, 2007

Older, yes; Wiser, perhaps

Well, another one has gone by. I am now officially 41, and I had such a nice birthday. Shelley (best friend since she stopped by my dorm room Freshman year of college) came up from Orange County for the weekend and we had a great time. Saturday we had lunch at Samovar Tea Lounge followed by a couple of hours at MOMA seeing the Olafur Eliasson exhibit, then yoga for her and a luxurious mani/pedi for me at The Pampered Girl. That night we had dinner with friends at Bushi-Tei, and stopped by Harry's Bar where for some reason I was given B52's and Jaeger shots. My poor, tired body really felt it the next day. So like I said, perfect.

I always take a moment to pause as I usher in a new year of my life. I think it's important to occasionally step outside yourself and take a good look at what is in front of you, especially in this busy and distracting life. I was sitting at dinner, looking around the table at my friends and loved ones, and thinking of how rich I felt. The sound of my friends' laughter surrounded me, and it made me so happy. They are a gift that I recieve every day. It was a sweet, sweet moment, one that I would have liked to freeze and keep near me always.