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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Vancouver is my new BFF!

I read recently that through travel, we are able to either get to know ourselves better, or escape from ourselves completely. Vancouver is the perfect place to do either one.

My first impression driving in from the airport was a sense of familiarity, but one that had been collaged together from different trips. The suburban houses reminded me of England. The high rises reminded me of many Asian cities. The waterfront surroundings and bridges reminded me of San Francisco. And those mountains...oh, those mountains! Perhaps the Swiss Alps.

The hospitality that we experienced is unique unto this city. I can't remember the last time I was around more genuinely nice and helpful people.

It definitely has a West Coast Vibe. Dress style is casual-chic, and everyone has a pretty rugged set of performance-wear clothing that they break out during the foul-weather days. No matter what, they are out in it - on the streets, on the water, at the market. Life goes on, and you sometimes get a little wet.

New construction is everywhere, and huge billboards promise one luxury modern high rise after the next. Buildings soar to heights way above what we are used to in San Francisco, but on the ground, there is an amazing amount of green spaces for the public to enjoy. People use them, too - walking, biking, or wheeling their progeny around in plastic-insulated strollers. Everywhere that we went was clean, clean, clean.

There is a definite food culture here, and it is going strong - ranging from inexpensive ethnic restaurants, to local chefs making their mark at high-end establishments. I was really impressed by the quality and inventiveness of all of the restaurants we went to. The organic and 100-mile radius movements are well-represented, almost to the point of becoming the norm for a lot of places. Wine production has a ways to go, and even though some are fiercely proud of the local offerings, imports from Europe and California still dominate on menus.

There are real treasures here - three of which are Stanley Park, Granville Island Public Market, and the UBC Museum of Anthropology. Each one is beautiful, well-maintained, and worthy of repeat visits. Just like Vancouver itself.