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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Wasn't Ignoring You, I Just Went to France

So, I snuck away from life and everything in it, and went to France for a week with my Mom. It was kind of a last minute trip, one which I badly needed, and I was almost completely disconnected from computers and the internet while I was there. It was definitely good to have a break.

As with any trip with my family, meals were a primary focus, whether we were seeking them out or making them. We were at least 7 K from any reasonably sized village, and 15 K from decent food, including bread and produce, so planning was required. Each morning we would climb into the car, in a daze, to see what the day would yield. What a joy, to have that kind of adventure awaiting you every day.

I ate well, cooked well, and enjoyed every morsel. I'll try to document as much as I can here, because there was really some amazing stuff out there. Even as I noticed more pasteurized milk and cheeses in the big grocery stores (the horror!), most people from every walk of life are still in hot pursuit of hand-crafted, best-in-class, local products. And zut alors, are they good.